Healthy Hollywood Smiles

Having a healthy Hollywood Smile in Dubai is not as difficult as many perceive it. We think that Hollywood stars spend a lot to have that dazzling smile. But many will be surprised to know that with simple steps of brushing, flossing and rinsing on a daily basis, it will lead to a smile that you can be proud of.

SameDay Dental Implants, a popular Dental Clinic in Dubai, gives patients a few tips on how to keep their smiles as healthy as possible.

  • Brush, floss and rinse twice a day every day. We all do this, but are we doing it correctly. Sometimes in our busy day to day lives, we forget or overlook these simple tasks. Following a good oral health care regime is a great start to a healthy smile.
  • Avoid sugar as much as possible. Food and drinks high in sugar become breeding grounds for bacteria once the sugar gets logged on the teeth. The sugar creates an acid environment in your mouth where bacteria thrive, leading to tooth decay.
  • Vitamins, especially vitamin C can eliminate dental health issues like loose teeth and bleeding gum. Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits. Once you do have citrus food make sure to rinse as it can be highly acidic, which can harm your teeth.
  • Eating crunchy food such as carrots, celery, and apples can naturally clean your teeth and freshen your breath.
  • Stock up on your daily intake of calcium. Calcium will keep your teeth and bones strong. Good sources of Calcium include milk, soybeans, and cheese.
  • Drink plenty of water. When you drink enough water, especially in a country like Dubai, where the summer months can be really hot, it keeps your teeth and body healthy and hydrated. Water is much better than sipping on ice cold tea or any other sugar based beverages. Rinsing your mouth with water after every meal, this can limit tooth decay as well.
  • Regular dental visits. Make sure you see your dentist is Dubai at least every 6 months. Frequent dental visits are not only important to get your Teeth Whitening done professionally, but also take care of any dental problems while it is still in its early stages.